Monday, September 13, 2010

Afternoon Tea at Maître Chocolatier - a rejuvenating experience

I'm so tired, I'm so tired, I'm so tired......
I need a nice break....
It's been such a busy summer since July that I've been neglecting my blog so much. The lack of inspiration was not the cause but more rather busy-ness and being pure brain dead. I have so many recipes to share with you but couldn't find the energy to write or even edit my pictures. Finally, I'm finding some time to write about this great get-away salon de thé, Le Maître Chocolatier located in the heart of downtown Montreal. It was the first week of August and my friend Anne and I decided to escape from the hectic work life for one small afternoon to nibble on delicate finger foods and sip on fine aromatic herbal teas.
The experience was quite relaxing. We were however a little bit more critical especially after having tried the tea salon at le St-James in old Montreal about 2 years ago. The decor at Le Maître Chocolatier was cozy but a sense privacy was left to be desired.
However, the finger foods were more abundant and tastier than what was offered as Le St-James. The service was also very cordial at Le Maïtre Chocolatier compared to Le St-James, where service could have been a little warmer.
The selection of teas at Le Maître Chocolatier was wider We both adored one unique flavour, anise. It was fantastic with heavy cream, just like Chai tea is delicious with whole milk.
I do recommend the place if you are looking for a small and very welcoming tea salon for a pleasant afternoon with your friend or signficant other.
Fortunately, my friend had her mobile phone which takes excellent pictures and I'd like to share some with you. I just couldn't believe how great these mobile phone photos turned out. Thanks Anne!
mini cucumber and salmon rillette sandwiches

mini pastries, scones and macarons for the sweet tooth

A great selection of homemade jams, marmalades and heavy cream for the scones

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting this, i'm deciding whether i want to buy one of those living social deals and your photos have persuaded me to!
