Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hot and Spicy Turbot With Coriander

Baking is not an option on a hot and humid summer's day like today. A great recipe to try out when I don't feel like sweating in the kitchen, is a savoury, yet spicy fish dish that only takes minutes to prepare. It's light and flaky and so easy to make.

I have made it several times not only for its simplicity but also for its incredible intense fragrance of the soya and tamari sauce which doesn't overpower the dish. The flavour is brought to another level with the freshness and aroma of the coriander.

The "Mmmmh..." sound is one I like to hear when my parents had their first taste two weeks ago when I prepared it for them for father's day.

Preparation time : 10 minutes, Cooking time : 5-7 minutes

Recipe "au pif":

4 large filets of Turbot (or any other good white fish - monk fish or Halibut), cut in large 3 inch chunks

6 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

3 red thai chili peppers (seeded - if you want to reduce the heat), finely diced

3 tbsp light tamari sauce (can be found in local grocery store)

1 tbsp dark soya sauce

1 tbsp dry sherry (or dry white wine)

handful of fresh coriander (cilantro), coarsely chopped

2 tbsp Canola or sunflower oil

Heat oil on high heat and add oil

Add in the fish chunks and brown for about 1 minute and turn over to brown the other side

Add the tamari and soya sauce

Add the dry sherry (or dry white wine)

Sprinkle the chopped garlic and chili over the fish chunks. Simmer for about 2 minutes and ladle some of the sauce over the fish.

Garnish with fresh chopped coriander.

Serve hot with white steamed rice.

Share and enjoy!

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