Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jumbo Prawns in Spicy & Fragrant Coconut Sauce

Today I thought...enough. I've been neglecting my blog far too long. Indeed, my day job has kept me extremely busy the last few months, but there was nothing like going home and lose myself in my cooking. It was my realm of relaxation...the only moment I could be creative when concocting a hearty home cooked meal. I had no energy to create new recipes or even take photos of food. But last weekend, I prepared this suculent and aromatic prawn dish which I make often but never got to write about it. The "vedette" of this dish is the creamy coconut sauce seasoned with chili, fresh lemon grass and basil leaves. But the two key ingredients are fish sauce and shrimp paste (fermented shrimp with a very pungent odour which gives dishes an explosion of flavour with very little amount).

It's easy and quick to prepare.

Preparation : 10 minutes, Cooking time : 5-7 minutes

Recipe "au pif":

15-20 large prawns (frozen work splendidly), deveined and shells removed

3/4 tsp shrimp paste

2 tsp fish sauce

1 tbsp ground or finely chopped fresh lemongrass

3 red hot chilis (cut in half if you want more heat)

3/4 cup coconut milk

1 tbsp vegetable oil

handful of chopped basil to garnish

Trick : cook the shrimps in hot boiling water for about 1 minute. This will make the shrimps plump and juicy. Don't overcook them as you'll stir fry them later.

In a good quality wok or large deep saucepan, heat oil on high heat.

Quickly stir in the shrimp paste, fish sauce, lemongrass and chilis for about 30 seconds.

Throw in the cooked shrimps and stir for about 2 minutes.

Pour in the coconut milk, lower heat and let it simmer for about 2 minutes.

Garnish with basil and serve with hot steamed white rice.

Serves 3-4 people or 2 famished people.

Share and enjoy!

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