Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lip-Smacking Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken

According to my taste buds, this is a dish that really does taste a million times better the next day. The world didn’t exist around me as I was smacking my lips and licking my fingers when I devoured that succulent morsel of juicy and savory chicken thigh the other day. My dinner guests probably found it rude…but did I care? Uh, no, not when something is this good. I could have even acted as my true inner Vietnamese self by sitting with one leg up on the chair while I was at it. But, I didn't. I didn't want to shatter my known image of "prim and proper" Q. If only they knew...

I think it’s a great dish to prepare a Sunday for a well deserved relaxing Monday evening dinner. These mouth-watering chicken upper thighs that have had the time to soak in the herbs and spices will impress not only you, but also your dinner party.

A simple recipe comprised of boneless chicken upper thighs marinated in fish sauce, lemongrass and garlic, then browned to give the thighs full flavour, and slowly simmered in its juices and added lemon. For a final golden crisp look, I like to broil the chicken for about 5 minutes in the oven.

Again, simplicity at its best, for a person always on the go like my good self.

Preparation: 10 minutes (not including marinating time), Cooking time: 20 minutes

Recipe “au pif”:6 boneless chicken upper thighs (skinless thighs can also be used)
3 garlic cloves finely minced
1 stalk lemongrass, finely chopped and crushed in mortar
2 tbsp fish sauce
½ tsp freshly ground black pepper
A pinch of sugar
Lemon juice from a half a lemon
½ cup chicken stock
2 tbsp vegetable oil

*To accelerate cooking time, cut wide open the chicken upper thighs by making small 2 in. incisions inside the thighs*
Mix garlic, lemongrass, fish sauce, pepper and sugar in a large bowl. Add the chicken thighs, mix well with your hands or big spoon. Let it sit in marinade for about 30-40 minutes.

In a large shallow sauce pan, heat oil on medium-high heat. When the pan is very hot, add in the chicken thighs and let it sizzle for them to brown, about 1-2 minutes each side.

Lower the heat to low heat, add the lemon juice and chicken stock. Cover and let it simmer for about 15 minutes. Add more fish sauce to taste, if desired.

Again, this is optional, I like to add a final golden crisp look to the chicken by broiling the thighs in the oven for about 5 minutes.

Serve on a bed of fresh watercress or steamed white jasmine rice.

Share and enjoy.

Serves 3-4 people.


  1. Humm! It's Eye-Smacking too. It looks delicious!

  2. You know I am going to be trying this.

  3. aaah, such a lovely-looking piece of chicken! i'm up for anything with lemongrass.

  4. Yum, I love lemongrass chicken. This looks wonderful.

  5. Hi!
    Stumbled upon your blog while I was looking for some lemongrass recipes!
    Nice blog you have!! Keep it up!
    Another food blog that I am going to browse through.. :)

  6. sure's really lip smacking and you made me hungry as this wee hours!!! Gosh...
