Sunday, June 1, 2008

More Sushi at Montreal's Yuukai

If you remember in one of my postings on Yuukai Japanese Fusion Dining Experience, I had mentioned that rave reviews were written in local papers about this new hip and happening dining spot in Montreal. In fact that posting received so many hits that I had to write more about it. I just went back this past week with a few colleagues who were visiting Montreal for the very first time and I was happy to see that the Chef and owner had come up with new and truly heavenly sushi and sashimi creations. The presentation left us speechless. Needless to say, everything tasted so fresh.

The sushi roll presented in the photo above was a simple tuna and avocado roll wrapped in yellow-tinted rice paper served with thin cantalope slices and a mildly sweet and tangy soya sauce. Again, it was the simple and classic tuna roll but served with uncanny freshness that created a pleasurable quietness at the table while we were savouring every piece with a sip of a refined portuguese white wine.
Softshell crab rolls
Despite its increasing popularity, the staff at Yuukai remains welcoming and down-to-earth. They love to experiment and try out new stuff. Matter of fact, I was so impressed with the presentation of each plate that I inquired on the source of their beautiful creations. The owner responded with a smile: "We watch the Food Network". How funny, and how sooo true it is. He further commented that as long as there is passion, creativity just comes naturally. Point well noted. Passion + inspiration (food network) = Masterpiece.
Tuna tartar with olives on a thin-crisp sweet potatoe and cantalope canapé.
One of my colleagues from Poland who had never tasted sushi before, or even raw fish for that matter, fell in love with everything he ate at Yuukai. It was a great first sushi experience for him and I'm sure not the last. As I work in an international firm, I often bring guests, who come from all corners of the world, to this place. And their verdict? They'd come back anytime to Montreal, but first stop would have to be Yuukai.
And don't forget, it's BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze)!

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