Monday, October 8, 2007

Potage aux Cressons et Courgettes (Watercress and Zucchini soup)

Today was the first day of fall to start wearing a warm sweater and a scarf in this damp and cool weather. I just came back from a promenade in the woods with my friend SAB, whom I haven't seen in eons, taking pictures of the outdoors and especially of ourselves joking around like kids! Here are some of the pics we took today.

It was also a great day to make a nice, warm and savoury soup. This is a very simple recipe which takes 5 minutes to prepare and literally 5 minutes to cook (in a pressure cooker).

Recipe "au pif":
2 medium sized green zucchini, cut in thin slices
1 large baking potato, diced
2 cups of fresh watercress
1 onion, quartered
2 medium garlic cloves, mashed
6 cups water
1/2 cube of chicken or vegetable bouillon
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp curry powder
some ground black pepper
some chili paste (optional)
1/4 tsp butter (optional)
some olive oil

Heat oil in large pressure cooker. Add in garlic, onions and potatoes and stir until potato edges are slightly browned.

Throw in the zucchinis and watercress. Stir.

Add salt, curry powder and pepper.

Pour in water and stir all ingredients.

Cover, tighten lid and pressure cook for about 5 minutes on medium heat.

Wait until there is no more pressure in the pot and remove the lid.

Use a hand blender to purée the vegetables until you reach a smooth a velvety texture.

Add in more salt to taste, if desired.

Add in butter for more buttery flavour, if desired.

Add in chili paste for more heat, if desired.

Serves 6 people.

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