Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Food for Yogis

That's right, yogis do eat fries once in a while. After a strenuous Ashtanga-Iyengar yoga session, my pal and I love to go to one of my favourite bistros just downtown of Montreal, called Le Cap Vert, for soup and Pommes Allumettes fries!

It's a quiet little place with a Parisian-contemporary ambience, where you can catch up with friends or simply spend quiet time alone reading a good book. I think it's a popular Montreal spot, just to relax over a nice cup of tea after a busy day and watch people walk by on McGill College Avenue. I discovered this place when I was a university student and always loved to go there for their Tiramisu. It was so divine that I would have their Tiramisu almost every week!

But their soups are to-die-for. We've tried them all. They're rich and creamy. So far, we agree that the best one is their Crème de Carottes (cream of carrot). Their onion soup is also a must-try. Gratifying...

We always look forward to our evenings of yoga and fries!

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